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- Key Economic Indicators
- (Million of U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted)
- 1992 1993 1994
- Income, Production and Employment:
- Real GDP (billion 1992 lei) 5,982.3 6,060.0 6,181.2
- Real GDP Growth (pct.) -13.8 1.0 2.0
- Nominal GDP (billion current lei) 5,982.3 19,737.2 50,000.0
- Nominal GDP 18,407.0 25,901.8 30,300.0
- By Sector:
- Industry 8,227.3 9,505.9 12,784.0
- Agriculture/Forestry 3,477.5 5,568.7 7,990.0
- Construction 803.0 2,590.1 1,053.9
- Transport/Telecommunication 1,176.9 1,295.1 1,663.4
- Trade/Tourism 2,430.7 2,745.5 3,533.2
- Other Services 2,291.6 4,196.5 3,275.5
- Net Exports of Goods & Services -1,588 -1,239 -300
- Real GDP Per Capita (USD) 807 1,136 1,328
- Labor Force (millions) 11.4 11.3 11.3
- Unemployment (pct.) 5.4 9.3 10.2
- Money and Prices:
- Lending Interest Rate (pct.) 39.1 56.7 88.7
- Rate on Deposits (pct.) 29.7 34.3 72.5
- Retail Inflation 210.9 256.1 70.0
- Official Exchange Rate (lei/USD)
- (annual average) 325 762 1,652
- Balance of Payments and Trade:
- Total Merchandise Exports 4,363 4,892 5,900
- Exports to U.S. 84 39 144
- Total Merchandise Imports 6,260 6,521 6,600
- Imports from U.S. 223 202 220
- Trade Balance -1,846 -1,631 -700
- Trade Balance with U.S. -139 -163 -76
- Aid from U.S. 20.1 34.7 44.1
- Aid from Other Countries 156 180 180
- Debt Service Payments 185.9 369.2 958.1
- Gold and FOREX Reserves Net (1) 44.0 315.0 951.5
- (1) Total banking system net foreign assets; end of period.
- 1. General Policy Framework
- With a population of 22.8 Million, a highly educated labor
- force, and substantial exploitable natural wealth, Romania
- offers a potentially attractive market for U.S. trade and
- investment. For the next several years, however, Romania's
- economic performance -- and thus its demand for imports -- will
- continue to be constrained by the slow pace of privatization
- and the decline of its traditional heavy industries.
- In the years immediately following the December 1989
- revolution, the Romanian economy was buffeted by the shock of
- adjustment to international price levels (especially for energy
- and raw materials), the elimination of the former central
- planning apparatus, and the collapse of its traditional COMECON
- markets. From 1989 to 1992, Romania's GDP contracted by 29
- percent; industrial production declined 38 percent; and output
- in the transport and telecommunications sector fell 50
- percent. Exports dropped 60 percent (from $10.5 To $4.3
- billion), limiting the country's ability to pay for much-needed
- imports of fuel and capital goods. More than one million
- workers lost their jobs in the state sector and open
- unemployment -- not seen for decades in Romania -- rose to
- about 10 percent of the labor force. Job-holders also suffered
- as average monthly wages fell to around $115 per month -- about
- one-half the pre-revolution level.
- The economy bottomed out in 1993 and may have grown by up
- to 1.0 percent due to a 14-percent weather-related surge in
- agricultural output and anemic growth in industry. However,
- declines continued to be registered in construction activity
- and especially in services, where the growth of private retail
- and service establishments failed to offset the continuing
- decline in some consumer services and in goods and passenger
- transport volume.
- Preliminary estimates for 1994 indicate that the economy
- may have finally turned the corner, to achieve unambiguous
- growth in most sectors. The consensus is that the nation's GDP
- will have grown by about 2.0 percent in 1994 due to an
- anticipated 5-percent jump in agricultural production, the
- small private sector's growth, a revival of building activity,
- and a mild export-led recovery in industry. However, the pace
- of growth is unlikely to be sufficient to prevent a further
- rise in unemployment, to perhaps 11 percent, by the end of 1994.
- Although Romania is committed to the development of a
- market economy, state ownership of most means of production
- continues five years after the overthrow of communism.
- Nevertheless, steady -- if slow -- progress toward
- privatization is being made. Ninety-six thousand square
- kilometers of arable land have been returned to private farmers
- (benefitting over 5 million individuals in the process), nearly
- 400,000 new private companies have been created, and some 850
- state enterprises have been privatized through management and
- employee buy-outs. In September, 1994, the government
- submitted its long-awaited mass privatization legislation to
- the parliament, proposing the privatization of an additional
- 3,000 state-owned enterprises via a modified voucher system.
- This law cleared the Senate in December 1994. If implemented
- in its entirety, the bill would transfer an estimated 10-12
- percent of Romania's GDP to private hands by the end of 1995.
- Progress has been much more visible in the non-state
- sector, which now makes up an estimated 35 percent of Romania's
- economy. In late 1994, private firms and individuals accounted
- for about five percent of industrial output, 25 percent of
- construction activity, 40 percent of services turnover, and 80
- percent of farm production. More significantly, the private
- sector now employs an estimated 50 percent of Romania's
- occupied labor force (5.0 million out of 10.1 million)
- including 3.0 million farmers, 1.5 million owners and employees
- of private firms, and 0.5 million self-employed individuals.
- The reintegration of Romania into world markets is a
- central feature of the government's economic policy. Romania
- signed an association agreement with the European Union in
- December 1992. The European Union is by far Romania's most
- important trading partner. In 1993, it took 39.3 percent (or
- $1.924 billion) of Romania's total FOB merchandise exports of
- $4.892 billion, and provided 42 percent ($2.741 billion) of its
- total CIF merchandise imports of $6.525 billion. In contrast,
- the United States accounted for only 1.3 percent ($61.9
- million) of Romania's exports and 4.3 percent ($282.1 million)
- of its imports in 1993.
- Despite this difference in relative trade flows, Romania
- places special emphasis on improving bilateral economic
- relations with the United States. As a result of the
- restoration of most-favored-nation tariff status with the
- United States in November 1993; U.S. ratification of a
- bilateral investment treaty in December 1993; and the return to
- Romania of the U.S. Export-Import Bank and the U.S. Overseas
- Private Investment Corporation; prospects for expanded
- bilateral trade and investment are much improved. For example,
- in the first nine months of 1994, Romanian exports to the
- United States increased 182 percent, while imports from the
- United States rose 12 percent.
- Since late 1993, the National Bank of Romania has
- implemented a tough IMF-backed macroeconomic stabilization
- package that has succeeded in cutting annual inflation from
- around 300 percent in 1993 to less than 70 percent in 1994,
- restored real positive interest rates in the financial sector,
- increased domestic bank deposits, and stabilized the leu. A
- parallel Government of Romania austerity program is holding the
- central government fiscal deficit to about 3.0 percent of GDP.
- In the Fall of 1994, the Romanian government implemented
- painful budget-driven personnel reductions in the headquarters
- staffs of most non-defense-related ministries. For example,
- the Bucharest staffs of the Ministries of Agriculture and Food,
- Industry, Transportation, and Commerce were all reduced between
- 40-55 percent.
- 2. Exchange Rate Policy
- As a part of its macroeconomic stabilization package, the
- National Bank of Romania liberalized the foreign exchange
- auction system in April 1994. The reform, which replaced the
- former administered rate with a market-clearing rate,
- substantially eliminated the gap between the official rate and
- that prevailing in the system of legalized exchange houses.
- The relative stability of the leu since that time (it has gone
- from lei 1650 to lei 1750/$) has generally restored public
- confidence in the national currency and allowed the National
- Bank to implement a second-stage liberalization -- involving
- the creation of an interbank market -- beginning in August 1994.
- As of November 1994, six commercial banks have been
- authorized to freely trade the Romanian currency. However, any
- number of corporate customers can theoretically buy hard
- currency through these authorized broker/dealers. In late
- 1994, the interbank market appeared to be performing well
- without any noticeable shortage of dollars. Moreover, the
- spread between the leu/dollar rate of exchange on the interbank
- market and the exchange house rate was holding stable at around
- 6-8 percent.
- Despite the substantial liberalization of the foreign
- exchange regime, the leu is not yet freely convertible. The
- National Bank of Romania maintains a number of restrictions
- aimed at preventing capital flight. Thus, the removal of more
- than token amounts of lei from Romania remains illegal.
- Romanians are prohibited from holding foreign bank accounts,
- though they are permitted to own U.S. dollar-denominated bank
- accounts in local banks. Foreign exchange restrictions, though
- somewhat liberalized, also remain in effect. For example,
- Romanian citizens are allowed to buy only $1,000 worth of hard
- currency per year on an unrestricted basis. For those
- traveling abroad, the limit is set at $5,000 per person per
- trip. Furthermore, commercial companies must obtain an import
- license prior to buying hard currency, though this appears to
- be less of a problem in late 1994. In September 1994, the
- National Bank issued a directive requiring all domestic
- transactions between Romanian individuals and/or legal entities
- to be conducted in lei.
- 3. Structural Policies
- Economic reform has entailed creating new laws in virtually
- every sphere: finance, commerce, privatization, intellectual
- property, banking, labor, foreign investment, environment, and
- taxation. Among the more recent developments are the July 1,
- 1993 introduction of an 18-percent value added tax; the May 24,
- 1994 government ordinance reforming local taxation, the August
- 11, 1994 passage by the parliament of a securities and exchange
- act; and the August 31, 1994 promulgation of a new tax
- ordinance on corporate profits. Despite these achievements,
- several gaps remain in the legal framework. Chief among these
- are the absence of a modern bankruptcy code, a modern copyright
- law which includes protection for software, legislation on the
- restitution of properties nationalized during the communist
- era, and the previously-mentioned mass privatization bill.
- Draft bills on all of these subjects were before the parliament
- in late 1994.
- Since 1989, Romania has gradually liberalized prices and
- eliminated most direct producer and consumer subsidies. The
- main areas of exception are coal production, public
- transportation, and household energy and heating. In food
- products, the principal remaining subsidies by summer 1994 were
- on bread and milk. However, in October 1994, the government
- announced its intention to reimpose "temporary" wholesale price
- controls on pork, chicken, eggs, cooking oil, and sugar.
- The major sources of central government revenue in Romania
- are an 18-percent value added tax, a 38-percent tax on most
- corporate profits, and a salaries tax which rises to 60 percent
- for the portion of salary in excess of 816,000 lei per month
- (about $470). Together these three taxes accounted for about
- 83 percent of total central government revenues in the first
- half of 1994. Romania's generally high customs duties make up
- only 6 percent of total central government revenues. Gradual
- adjustments to the tariff schedule will be required to bring
- Romania into harmony with the European Union by the end of the
- decade. As a result, rate differentials will increasingly
- favor imports from the European Union.
- 4. Debt Management Policies
- During the 1980's, former dictator Nicolae Ceausescu
- directed the liquidation of all foreign debt via accelerated
- repayments and forced exports in order to reduce foreign
- influence over Romania. By April 1989, Romania's debt was
- virtually zero and the country was a net external creditor.
- After December 1989, foreign borrowing was resumed, and by the
- end of 1994, medium and long-term external debt amounted to
- about $4.3 billion (and overall the country was again a net
- debtor). Nonetheless, in 1993, debt service payments still
- amounted to a mere six percent of Romania's exports of goods
- and services. However, debt service is now growing and in 1994
- is expected to reach about 15 percent of exports of goods and
- services.
- Romania signed a standby agreement with the IMF in May
- 1991, which provided for $500 million in balance of payments
- assistance plus up to an additional $400 million in contingency
- and compensatory assistance. This program was terminated in
- February 1992 by mutual agreement when, as a result of the
- buildup of debt among state-owned enterprises (essentially soft
- supplier credits), it became evident that Romania would not be
- able to meet the IMF target for monetary growth. Another
- standby agreement was negotiated in May 1992, providing for
- assistance totaling $440 million. This program was also
- terminated by mutual agreement before the final tranche of
- assistance had been drawn.
- Negotiations for a third program began in March 1993. In
- February 1994, the Romanian Parliament approved the draft
- "memorandum on economic policies" and a preliminary 1994 budget
- in line with the proposed program. In May 1994, the IMF
- approved Romania's request for a 19-month standby arrangement
- in the amount of SDR 131.97 million and a first drawing under
- an SDR 188.5 million systemic transformation facility.
- 5. Significant Barriers to U.S. Exports
- There are no laws which directly prejudice foreign trade,
- investment, or business operations in Romania. Traditionally
- defined trade barriers are generally not a major problem,
- though there exist areas of exception. In mid-1994, Romania
- imposed a system of reference prices for imports of chicken
- parts (about 85 percent of which came from the United States)
- in order to protect its largely state-owned chicken industry.
- In fall 1994, Romania also sharply increased import tariffs on
- new and used automobiles in order to support its struggling
- domestic manufacturers.
- The Government of Romania welcomes foreign investment and
- generally makes good faith efforts to assist in resolving
- disputes involving U.S. and Romanian firms. However,
- impediments to bilateral trade and investment can arise from
- cultural differences, the nature of the reform process, or
- attitudes and practices carried over from the days when
- Romania's economy was centrally planned.
- Formal investment barriers are few in Romania. The foreign
- investment law allows up to 100-percent foreign ownership of an
- investment project (excluding land), and there are no legal
- restrictions on the repatriation of profits and equity
- capital. Foreigners are permitted to lease land, but under the
- constitution are prohibited from owning land. Governmental
- approval of joint ventures is required but has not impeded the
- formation of such ventures. The Romanian Development Agency
- attempts to match foreign investors with Romanian partners. In
- 1994, the Government raised the minimum investment requirements
- for registering foreign investment to $10,000 from $100.
- Despite the best efforts of the Government of Romania, a
- number of problems continue to restrict the level of foreign
- investment to relatively low levels. For example, gaining
- clear title to property remains problematical and any purchases
- are potentially subject to legal challenge by former owners or
- managers. The situation is further complicated by the absence
- of bankruptcy legislation and, hence, a means for pressing
- claims against debtors.
- The large amount of red tape which accompanies many
- transactions and the need to deal with overlapping local
- bureaucracies can prove frustrating to foreign investors.
- Corruption is a major problem and, in certain instances, can
- pose an actual business risk.
- The changing legal and regulatory environment has created
- difficulties which affect foreign participation in the Romanian
- economy. There are few legal specialists qualified to
- interpret the commercial implications of recent Romanian legal
- developments and there is little experience in Western methods
- of negotiating contracts. Once concluded, there is often no
- effective means of enforcing agreements.
- The cost of doing business in Romania can also be
- unexpectedly high, particularly rents for offices and charges
- for telecommunications and business services. The lack of an
- efficient modern payments system (checking accounts do not yet
- exist) further complicates transactions in Romania. Payments
- can only be made in cash.
- Corporate income is generally taxed at a rate of 38
- percent. In addition, the government levies a 10 percent
- dividend withholding tax. The recent revision of the corporate
- profits tax eliminates nearly all future investment tax
- holidays. However, foreign companies investing over
- $50 million may still qualify for a seven year tax exemption.
- Romania has no income tax, but instead imposes a steeply
- progressive salary tax which rises to a 60 percent marginal tax
- rate on all salaries above $470 per month.
- Since 1990, Romania has registered over 38,000 commercial
- companies with foreign capital participation. The total value
- of foreign investment surpassed $940 million in October 1994.
- The overwhelming majority of the investment is small scale.
- U.S. company investments range from a few hundred dollars to
- many millions and are increasing in value and number steadily.
- As of October 17, 1994, U.S. investments in Romania were worth
- $95.7 million, a virtual tie with the value of investments from
- Germany, Italy, and France.
- 6. Export Subsidies Policies
- The Romanian government does not provide export subsidies
- but does attempt to make exporting attractive to Romanian
- companies. For example, the government provides for the total
- or partial refund of import duties for goods that are processed
- for export or are incorporated into exported products. A
- September 1994 government decision permits the Romanian
- Export-Import Bank to engage in trade promotion activities on
- behalf of Romanian exporters of goods produced in Romania.
- There are no general licensing requirements for exports
- from Romania, but the government does prohibit or control the
- export of certain goods and technologies. For example, the
- Government has, on occasion, banned the export of various
- commodities (especially foodstuffs) due to domestic shortages.
- There are also export controls of imported or indigenously
- produced goods of proliferation concern.
- Romania is not a signatory to the GATT subsidies code or
- government procurement code but has indicated its eventual
- intention to subscribe to both codes.
- 7. Protection of U.S. Intellectual Property
- Romania has made significant progress in the area of
- intellectual property protection since the end of the communist
- era. New patent and trademark laws have been enacted. A new
- revised copyright law, which will provide protection for
- software, is expected to be submitted to the parliament shortly.
- All legislation in this field has been modeled after
- international standards and norms and has been reviewed by
- international experts. The Government of Romania has expressed
- its intention to have in place in 1995 a complete set of
- intellectual property laws consistent with European Union
- norms.
- Nonetheless, the lack of copyright protection has caused
- some American firms to be reluctant to invest in Romania.
- Pirated copies of audio and video cassette recordings are
- openly marketed and inexpensive. Some are apparently produced
- locally, but many appear to be imported from elsewhere in the
- region. The U.S. Embassy in Bucharest is not aware of pirated
- goods being produced in Romania for export.
- 8. Worker Rights
- a. The Right to Association
- Current labor legislation adopted in 1991 guarantees all
- workers except government employees, police, and military
- personnel the right to associate, to engage in collective
- bargaining, and to form and join labor unions without previous
- authorization. The right to strike is specifically guaranteed,
- although union members have been frustrated with the courts'
- propensity to declare illegal the major strikes on which they
- have been asked to rule. Legal limitations on the right to
- strike exist only in certain critical industries involving the
- public interest, such as defense, health care, transportation,
- and telecommunications.
- Union members have continued to criticize certain aspects
- of the 1991 legislation, but no consensus has been reached on
- how the laws should be amended. Past studies have indicated
- that the legislation falls short of International Labor
- Organization (ILO) standards in several areas, including the
- free election of union representatives, binding arbitration,
- and financial liability of strike organizers. Although the
- legislation is supportive of collective bargaining as an
- institution, the contracts that result are not enforceable in a
- consistent manner. This situation is caused in part by
- inadequacies in the law itself and by problems created by
- continued state ownership of most major industries. In 1994,
- the government and the major labor confederations moved to
- promote a new tripartite collective bargaining relationship
- among the government, labor, and private sector.
- Current legislation stipulates that labor unions are
- independent bodies, free from government or political party
- control, with the right to be consulted on labor issues. No
- worker can be forced to join or withdraw from a union, and
- union officials who resign from elected positions and return to
- the regular work force are protected against employer
- retaliation. In practice, the government does not seem to
- exert any control or influence over labor union activities. In
- 1994, however, several steps were taken toward politicization
- of the Romanian labor movement. In July, Miron Mitrea, the
- Executive President of CNSLR-Fratia, Romania's largest labor
- confederation, was selected as the president of a dormant
- political party created by the trade unions. Fearing that
- party might merge with the ruling Party of Social Democracy,
- Victor Ciorbea, President of CNSLR-Fratia, announced in August
- that he had formed an alliance with the opposition Democratic
- Convention and the National Trade Union Bloc, another major
- confederation. In a declaration signed by the three parties,
- each pledged to develop joint programs but to maintain
- "complete independence." In October, Ciorbea set up a new
- labor confederation, "The Confederation of Democratic Trade
- Unions of Romania."
- The majority of Romanian workers are members of some 18
- nationwide trade union confederations and smaller independent
- trade unions. Virtually all unions concentrate on economic
- issues to protect their members' standard of living, which has
- continued to decline because of increases in consumer prices
- and uncertainty caused by the transition to a market economy.
- Labor unions may freely form or join federations, and
- affiliate with international bodies. The Alfa Cartel and
- CNSLR-Fratia are affiliated with the World Confederation of
- Labor and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions,
- respectively. Representatives of foreign and international
- organizations freely visit and advise Romanian trade unionists.
- The Committee of Experts at the 1994 ILO Conference
- observed that the treatment of the Roma and Magyar minorities
- continued to be the subject of debate in the UN Human Rights
- Committee. It noted that the government, which asserted there
- were no discriminatory standards against the Roma, had reported
- that some 22 percent of Roma men and 71 percent of Roma women
- were unemployed. The committee noted with interest the
- measures taken by the Government to promote better integration
- of the Roma in the society and the government's establishment
- of the Council for National Minorities, which monitors the
- problems of persons belonging to those minorities. The
- committee urged the Government to supply information about the
- work of that council, and information about the programs being
- taken to provide education, training, and employment for the
- ethnic Hungarian population.
- b. The Right to Organize and Bargain Collectively
- Current legislation permits workers to organize into unions
- and to bargain collectively. In January, the Locomotive Engine
- Drivers Federation lost an appeal in which it tried to overturn
- an original court decision that had declared its August 1993
- strike illegal. As a result of that strike, several union
- leaders and strikers were summarily fired. The absence of
- effective employer groups, because of continued state control
- over most industrial resources, complicates collective
- bargaining efforts.
- c. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor
- The constitution prohibits forced or compulsory labor. The
- Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (MOLSP) effectively
- enforces this prohibition, and no instances of abuse were
- recorded in 1994.
- d. Minimum Age for Employment of Children
- The minimum age for employment is 16, but children as young
- as 14 may work with the consent of their parents or guardians
- but only "according to their physical development, aptitude,
- and knowledge." Working children under 16 have the right to
- continue their education, and employers are obliged to assist
- in this regard. The MOLSP has the authority to impose fines
- and close sections of factories to enforce compliance with the
- law. No violation of this policy was documented in 1994, and
- child labor did not appear to be a problem.
- e. Acceptable Conditions of Work
- Most wage scales are established through collective
- bargaining. However, they are based on minimum wages for given
- economic sectors and categories of workers set by the
- government after negotiations with industry representatives and
- the labor confederations. Minimum wage rates are generally
- observed and enforced, although employers' financial
- difficulties often result in nonpayment of wages or
- postponement of payment.
- The labor code provides for a work week of 40 hours or five
- days, with overtime to be paid for weekend or holiday work or
- work in excess of 40 hours. Paid holidays range from 15 to 24
- days annually depending mainly on the employee's length of
- service. Employers are required by law to pay additional
- benefits and allowances to workers engaged in particularly
- dangerous or difficult occupations.
- Draft legislation regarding occupational health and safety
- is still pending in parliament. The MOLSP has established
- safety standards for most industries and is responsible for
- enforcing them. Enforcement, however, is not good because the
- MOLSP lacks sufficient trained personnel, and employers
- generally ignore its recommendations. Some labor organizations
- have pressed for healthier, safer working conditions on behalf
- of their members. Though they have the right to refuse
- dangerous work assignments, workers seldom invoke it in
- practice, appearing to value increased pay over a safe and
- healthful work environment. Neither the government nor
- industry, still mostly state owned, has the resources necessary
- to improve significantly health and safety conditions in the
- work place.